Saturday, 3 March 2018

Frozen Earth

Whoever lives in Canada knows how harsh winters can be, and we are often asked; "why do you live in a place where you cannot be outside in the winter for more than 30 minutes?"
"why do you live in a place that hurts your face?" and it goes on.

Short answer: it's beautiful.

Long answer: You can try to stay outside a bit longer than 30 minutes, by busting yoga moves. Good Luck!

We bundled up, went outside and connected with the's still so beautiful even though Earth is frozen on our side.

But how did we really stay warm?

1. Prepare yourself mentally - Think warmth (LOL)

2. It's great, you open your closet and whether you have so many things you feel like wearing, or are torn between two outfits, then worry no more. You can wear everything on top of one another. Bam!

3. Don't be scared of the snow, ice, crazy -30 wind chills.

Touch them all. I know what you are thinking, it's not crazy. Your fear or worry that it is going to 'feel' cold is what makes it super cold. When you touch it the snow it feels great and for a moment you connect with a greater source of energy. So, embrace it.

4. Drink something hot, and warm up your body with some exercise.

5. Document yourself freezing, haha

Be careful of slipping on ice, getting frost bites and stay hydrated. We want to be able to embrace all of Earth's states (kind of like your moods). It is very rejuvenating to be outside and to get fresh air, your body needs it.



If you end up having a blast & snapping some good shots, remember to tag us.

Until next we meet,

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