Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Fall Favourites & Adventures

Fall is our favourite season, what's yours?

Want a Pumpkin?

Oh and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving ^_^ !! 

So, we collected some of our favourite things for the fall here, most aren't fully focused on the brand, but rather on the story...

1. Bass Vintage shoes - They're beautiful, fit Yara perfectly, this pair of shoes carry many names embroidered and a story from the past. - From Kind Exchange 

2. Cardboard coasters - Each coaster has a quote from an important leader in the past, Frida's is our favourite. We are planning to put these up on one the walls in the bedroom :)

3. Beaded bracelet from Jordan - Carries adventure stories.

4. Citrine crystal wire wrap necklace - Monthly Crystals and necklace DIY on our blog coming soon.

5. Because I Am a Girl bracelet - Handmade (You can sponsor a girl today)

6. Today's To Do list - This one is a great gift - From Anthropology

7. A found white crystal quartz - Tobermory, Ontario

8. Pure Argan Oil - Perfect for the hair and skin. This one is unbranded, from a herbal shop in Amman. However you might find many in China Town, Canada. Or online on Amazon.

9. Invested in a new sketchbook - From Daniel's Art store, Toronto. Not much variety but great sketchbook prices, aw yeah

Stay Gold, 



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I also love Fall...definitely one of my favorite seasons :)

  2. Very nice post :D
    Wanna follow for follow? :)


  3. Thank you :) and yes for sure! Just followed you on Bloglovin' :) If you'd also like to follow on Instagram, will follow you back @selftimers

  4. aaahh yay for fall adventures! :D
    loving those vintage shoes! :D

    Have a great day!
    Animated Confessions

  5. Those shots are so lovely & I'd love to have a to-do-list-pad like that! <3


  6. FALL! I don't need to say anything else :) haha except I love your pictures!
    xo, Jessica || The Petite Diaries

  7. Absolutely lovely post! Sun and nature! Happy Thanksgiving!


  8. So festive + fun! Thanks for sharing!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  9. Thank you!

    Yes for sure, will follow you on Bloglovin' :) also if you have instagram you can follow us @selftimers and we follow back!
